Tuesday, July 10, 2007

El Eternauta

...asegurate de que tu traje de nieve esté bien aislado y
antes de que lleguen los Gurbos o los Manos...

visitá la muestra del 13 de Julio al 3 de Agosto de 2007 en el
Archivo y Museo Históricos del Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Dr. Arturo Jauretche
Sarmiento 362/64 - Ciudad de Buenos Aires - República Argentina

...dicen que la nevada del 9 de Julio puede ser obra de los Ellos...


Anonymous said...

I have no idea what you wrote but I liked the artwork. And I came to say, "Thanks," for visiting my blog and for commenting there today. I appreciate it.

I guess the portal is not working again today as I do not see any new posts on it.

oldmanlincoln's photos

99 said...

Hi Abe, the post is a double purpose one. Because you were so kind as to visiting me I owe you some translation.

The post is for one, a sort of celebration of the first snowfall in 89 years in Buenos Aires (remember I told you that it never gets to freezing here? Well, it did, out of nowhere on the past 9th of July, our Independence day).

Second and more important, it is an invitation to an art exhibition on El Eternauta. El Eternauta has been translated into many languages and it is a landmark in Argentine science fiction comics. The series begins with a deadly snowfall produced by outer space invaders in Buenos Aires. The outstanding (even for nowadays standards) graphics belong to Mr. Solano López. The script is even superior and was of a provocative political controversial influence. So much so that it led it´s writer Mr. Oesterheld to die as a prisoner of a cruel dictatorship...

50/30 refers to the 50th anniversary of the first publishing and the 30th of Mr. Oesterheld terrible disappearance.

Keep feeding us Abe, at home we´re hungry for your pictures every morning...

inspired said...

Thank you 4 the interpretation interesting peace of history ;o]

99 said...

Good to have you back Inspired.
I write both in English and Spanish. Spanish for local events and actions and English in general posts.

If you follow the links here you can find out more about El Eternauta in English.
The characters are common people from a neighborhood that unexpectedly turn into heroes confronting the Gurbos, the Manos and the evil Ellos.
It meant to be against the invasion and if you ever get the chance of reading it you will find that even the characters are Argentinean they share the true American spirit.

See you!

Nerd Progre said...

99!! Que lindo blog tenes!! (no, no se lo digo a todas ;).

Y ahora leo esto del Eternauta... me quiero matar!! me perdi la exhibicion!. Al igual que me perdí de grabar el prgrama de Felipe Pigna el año pasado... un especial de 1 hora+ de "Vida y Vuelta" sobre El Eternauta... opinaban un monton de gente, estuvo excelente, y no lo pude grabar en su momento.

Una aclaracion cuando decis "died as a prisoner of a cruel dictatorship" parece que estuvieras hablando de otro pais. Yo hubiera puesto "OUR cruel dictatorship that ruled argentina during the so-called 'dirty war' in the mid to late 70s and up until 1983".

Un abrazo y te ganaste que te linkee desde mi blog!

99 said...

Sí Gaucho, otra vez tenés razón... Y gracias por ponerlo también en inglés, así Inspired y Oldman lo entienden.
Se me habrá pasado por no querer ni recordarlo. Pero te aseguro que tengo bien presente que todos los argentinos fuimos parte de la cosa (te habla una se salvó de pedo)

Linkeame y llamame marta! Hace ratazo que te sigo y coincido con vos en casi todo (excepto en que Tunín pueda ser reemplazada por otra, nones, Tunín es la mejor aunque le hayan cambiado la facha)